Hybrid Vision

Hybrid Vision is the combination of both night vision and thermal technology together using a bridged approach, where one independent night vision monocular and one independent thermal monocular are combined to create a joint solution. This solution is an effective approach to provide the benefits of advanced military Fusion systems, but with greater accessibility, modularity, and adaptablility for a wider variety of possible end users. We custom assmeble these setups using a variety of proven components on the thermal side, utilizing the Noisefighters Panobridge series of bridge mounts. We have found after years of use that the Panobridge provides the best bridging option for Hybrid Vision due to its combination of extremely low weight and modularity for both hard-attach and quick-detach mounting solution for various thermal monoculars. The benefits of hybrid vision are significant in the context of defense, hunting, and surveillance applications compared to traditional night vision alone. We caution that these systems are less ‘plug and play’ and immediately user friendly compared to traditional dual tube night vision, however.

Price: Configurable

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